This body
FEELS LOVES WRITES CREATES RAGES WONDERS DREAMS fears crawls runs fucks expresses thinks ponders prays LISTENS CONNECTS emotes breathes hurts celebrates loses ages grows imagines fails speaks falls sings screams yearns eats vibrates laughs cries crackles senses intuits surprises chokes WRITES stands learns WATCHES MOVES

a space for this body
everything that has ever happened to me,
everything i have ever felt or thought or believed,
everything i have done and had and lost,
everything i have wanted and feared and celebrated....
everything, all of it, has happened in
this life is a dance
choreographed by and for and in
this body dances is dedicated
to the exploration of this body~
how it lives and loves and creates,
where it came from and where it's going.
And like any good exploration,
where we will end up
remains a mystery.
more than anything, this body loves to connect.
i would love this to be a space for connection and relationship.
send me a message or comment on a blog
and let me know what your body is up to!
Lainie Magidsohn(she/her)
...is a dancer, mover, choreographer, collaborator, improviser, and teacher.
She brings a lifetime of dance and a wide variety of movement practices and styles to her rich, contagious, joyful, expressive, playful classes. She loves sharing what she does, and creates a safe space for movers of all ages, abilities, bodies and genders to engage with their own unique dance.
For ten years, Lainie danced with Village Folk, an international folk dance group, and is currently a dancer, choreographer, and Co-Artistic Director of the Toronto-based community dance company, PushPULL.
Lainie is committed to promoting dance for all bodies. She has trained in the Nia Technique, Ageless Grace, DanceAbility, and is currently working on bringing Dance Your Ability to Toronto. She is also an instructor with Dancing With Parkinson's in Toronto and across Canada online.
Outside of her life in dance, Lainie is also a wedding officiant, a life drawing model, and a parent. She has been involved in Equity & Diversity work with a number of different organizations and thrives on the opportunity to engage in Courageous Conversations whenever possible.
In everything she does, her guiding principle is connection and relationship. And she would love the opportunity to connect with you through this site.